I love making images.
Taan Forest Ltd.
I’ve had the privilege to travel to Haida Gwaii multiple times over the last two years to film branded forestry documentaries with Taan Forest.
A bit about Taan:
Taan Forest is committed to maintaining the cultural and spiritual traditions of Haida citizens. The ancient forests of Haida Gwaii - western red cedar, sitka spruce, yellow cedar, and hemlock - are recognized as a crucial part of Haida culture that must be respected and managed for future generations. Taan Forest’s mandate is to ensure Haida values are honoured, that our forests are harvested sustainably, cultural sites are maintained, and natural habitats protected.
The following video documents the Council of the Haida Nation’s process and efforts to achieve and implement the current Haida Gwaii Land Use Objectives Order (HGLUOO). Háw’aa | haawa thank you to everyone that participated in this video. We would be honoured for you to watch and share this.
“The following video documents some of the forestry operations of the Haida-owned forestry company, Taan Forest (Taan). It emphasizes Taan’s efforts in restoration and shows some of the people that are doing this important work. This documentary also discusses the Council of the Haida Nation’s process and efforts to achieve and implement the current Haida Gwaii Land Use Objectives Order (HGLUOO).
Háw’aa | haawa thank you to everyone that participated in this video. “
One Tree Planted
As part of my ongoing focus on documenting all things forestry, I started working with One Tree Planted as a freelance editor in 2021. OTP is a 501 charity with a mission to help global reforestation sites. The projects I’ve been editing range from short documentaries, educational videos and commercials.
The Polygon Gallery
Over the last couple years I’ve had the privilege of creating content ranging from mini documentaries to virtual walkthroughs for this art gallery in North Vancouver, BC. This is a profile I helped create for NUVO Magazine of an exhibit called ‘Interior Infinite’.
Dank Mart / THC Canada
As part of my role with Self Hired, I’ve had the opportunity to create numerous types of social media content for Dank Mart and THC Canada. Dank Mart is self described as “the dankest bodega in the world” while THC Canada is known for being the best cannabis dispensary in western Canada.
Checkpoint One Apparel / T-Shirt.ca
Checkpoint One Apparel is the largest conglomerate of wholesale blank apparel products in Canada. Over the past two years I’ve created hundreds of content based videos for their 20+ websites. This included creating and directing marketing campaign video series’ such as these ‘T-Shirt Talks’ and ‘Wear I Am’ videos. This campaign was focused on having meaningful conversations about identity, fashion and self rather than having a typical commercial agenda. The other work I did for these companies ranged all the way from DIY videos to fashion based/ skateboarding content. This was a job where I was asked to create a lot of content for a specific demographic but I was given a lot of creative control which led to making hundreds of videos like these.
Tattoo Artist Promos
I enjoy making videos for artists and entrepreneurs doing their thing.